more-rose.(ses) for fatter feelering?
very competent film and i'm full of praise for you in creating a new film... your graphics adequately expressive. i found it morose as you intended. but i think i found the music over powering in a way that didn't complement the pictures... it side lined them a bit. i also felt your storey didn't 'self-contrast' sufficeintly to stretch its potential emotive hit... it kept in the low sulk... a deep hit sure... but stretch me up and thwong me back down... upon installing the self made heart did our hero experience the emotions you flashed or merely see the words... and in that sense did we with him? i mean he seemed to be experiencing emotion throughout the entire movie... i.e. sadness,, emptiness,,, a lack of positive emotion sure,,, with the heart he gets to glimse at least to the existence of the words denoting the positive emotions yet concludes they're nothing... or worthless,,, and again FEELS empty and collapses back... which is an interesting insight into a depression,,, i think you could have animated more than words in the flashing newly installing heart emotions... or maybe evan simply changed your font styles... just to give a little stronger contrast... .... i think this could have fattened the film... but as it was it was interesting and pretty well done... got me writing and thinking,,, sos if i've been overly critical but you've had plenty all positive reviewing to gratfify.... thanks.